
Friday, 30 October 2020



In Wananga we have done a teaching, the year 9 are teaching us something like a sport or baking. Their is a group that will be teach the year 7 and 8, what they know about baking or sports. My group been teach about baking, it's fun when the year 9 are teaching the year 7 and 8. I think every Friday the year 9 will be teaching the year 7 and 8 about what they know.

Also the year 9 think about what they will teach to the year 7 and 8 to learned. The year 9 teach who they been partner with, year 9 is teaching us year 7 and 8 about sports or baking, and everything they know.

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Hurumanu 2


In Hurumanu 2 we did a freeze frame and the teacher took a photo of us doing the freeze we my friends and the other team are so good at freeze frame this is the picture of all us doing a freeze frame.

This is my team lets see the other team. you see the team i have is Joshua, Jrae, Gerhold, and me.
Miss also help us to do are freeze frame it's fun doing it with my friends and the other people, miss is help Levi's team with their freeze frame.

This is team is Sam's team they do a team work, the freeze frame is funny to do with your own friends.